Boat Builders Reel Talk Video with Ricky Scarborough Jr.

Well I'm super excited and a bit nervous to get this out there... After a failed attempt (thanks to terrible audio & camera) we had the chance to go back in and meet with Ricky for an hour to film this interview / video. With all of the chaos of this being our first stab at the video game and working out the kinks, Ricky couldn't have been any nicer.
Naturally he comes across as someone who speaks softly but carries a big stick. :) Spend two minutes with him around his wife Sarah and the team over at the shop and you can see that he values family, loves building boats & is very generous.
While listening back to our discussion, thoughts and memories from previous discussions continue to pour in. One time while visiting his shop, Ricky Sr. stopped in to share some of his schedule for the day and coordinate with Jr. about their upcoming trip. While walking to the conference room and chatting with Ricky Jr., I got this overwhelming sense of admiration and respect that he had for his dad. Many times you will find that Boat Building ends up as a family business and nothing is closer to the truth at Scarborough Boatworks. The business has continued for decades passing from father to son. The shop they operate out of has grown and stretched in ways Sr. probably never thought possible. Ricky Jr. with his team of craftsman have turned the chapter for Scarborough Boatworks adopting some of the latest in building and technology while staying true to their Outer Banks Roots.
I hope you enjoy this conversation and hope to have many more coming soon!
- John